
英国の出版組合The Publishers Association のSimon Bell氏から日本の教育機関に対し、英国で出版された著作物の利用に対するガイドラインが、送られてきました。この書簡は、すでに文化庁および文科省へは、手渡し済みです。



1. 著作物を含む入学試験問題を転載(再利用)する場合は事前に許諾を得る必要がある

2. 著作物を使用する際は出所の明示が必要

3. 著作物を使用する際は改変・改ざんをしてはならない




The Publishers Association is the representative body of book and learned journal publishers in the United Kingdom, including over 200 member companies who, between them, represent 80% of UK publishing. Our aim is to serve and promote the interest of book, journal and electronic publishers and to protect those interests.

The purpose of this message is to encourage the legitimate educational use of copyright materials by Japanese users and to reduce the potential liability for copyright infringement within educational establishments.

We are aware that a growing number of English literary works are used for educational purposes including universities’ entrance examinations. We would like to point out the following guidelines for use of copyright material.

1. Prior permission must be obtained for reproduction of examination papers which contain the copyright material

2. Use of copyright material requires sufficient acknowledgement of the source.
  (Excerpts from the material forming part of exam questions need to be acknowledged.)

3. Copyright material must be used without alteration or modification.

The right of attribution ensures that the author of a work has the right to be named as the author of that work. Uses of copyright materials require acknowledgement of the title and the author of a work from which copyright material is taken.

It is not necessary to obtain permission for examination purposes. However, past exam papers are not considered as for examination purposes and permission is required for the secondary use of the copyright material.

All the above matters are clearly stated in Japanese copyright law as well as UK copyright law and should already be standard academic practice. We would like Japanese educational establishments to undertake more rigorous checks to ensure the legitimate use of copyright materials and to discourage infringement.

If you require any further information regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Simon Bell
International Director
Publisher's Association
29B Montague Street
London WC1B 5BH

T +44 (0)207 691 1373


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